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ARK: Survival Evolved- How to play free MULTIPLAYER - [Online Crack] - Download




♦1.[ARK:Survival Evolved v228.1]: 

- Install game


♦2. [Auto Updater]:                                    - Use autoupdater if you do not want download all

patches from mega

- Copy to the game folder

- Run Updater

- You can also download Full game using this launcher.





1) if you have steam running, exit it
2) locate your steam folder (ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\). rename the file \appcache\packageinfo.vdf into anything else (ex: packageinfo.vdf.backup)
3) login to your fake account (a new packageinfo.vdf will be generated)
4) exit steam
5) Run AppID.Patch.exe. click the "Browse" button, select your newly created packageinfo.vdf into your steam folder. In AppId, put 346110 and click "Patch". Close AppID patcher
5a) if you have an error, try to add any other free game into your fake account
6) login to your fake steam account. you should now see ARK in your library. If you don't see it, you can still continue.
7) Run ARK_Launcher_MP.exe
 In game main menu, click "JOIN ARK", select filter "Unofficial". You will see all available servers. Click "Join" to connect
9) when you have finished playing, Before using back your legit steam account, restore your previous saved packageinfo.vdf (packageinfo.vdf.backup) and rename it to packageinfo.vdf, or you can just delete the patched packageinfo.vdf




If you see any error try install it:

Net Framework 4.5:

Visual C++ 2005:

Visual C++ 2010:

Visual C++ 2012:

Visual C++ 2013 :




@Update 18.01.2016

New links added


The Vahan 2015@ Multiplayer Cracked Games

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