Multiplayer Cracked Games

The Hunter: Primal - Online Crack - Original Servers [Working Servers] DOWNLOAD GD
★★★★★★ - Visit for more games!
♦1.[The Hunter: Primal v.2015061101 ]:
-Install game
♦2.[RVTFiX V2]:
- Copy crack files to game folder
♦3.Start Steam and login to your account (use fake acc if you are scared)
♦4.Start Game from TheHunterPrimal.exe
♦5. You can join to Original Servers
♦6. If you have problem with resolution in game:
- copy TheHunterPrimalvalSettings_live.cfg co %appdata/local/The Hunter:Primal/
- Edit your resolution and save file.
If you see any error try install it:
Net Framework 4.5:
Visual C++ 2005:
Visual C++ 2010:
Visual C++ 2012:
Visual C++ 2013 :